PTO Projects

Each year, the PTO works with Mr. Heinle, teachers, and staff to meet the school community’s needs.

In 2021-2022, one pressing need that was identified was the classroom rugs. They’d endured years of use and needed replacement. NPE PTO was able to purchase 24 rugs for the classrooms!

Additional Expenditures

The 2021-2022 NPE PTO also funded:

  • $3500 donation to the NPE Library for new materials

  • Additional bike rack

  • Lifesized board games for recess

  • New sports equipment balls

  • A new shed for the Community Garden

Past Years’ PTO Projects Include:

Masks for the student body during the COVID-19 Crisis | Diverse classroom reading materials | Supplying shirts for NPE’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) kickoff | Bike racks for the school | Playground benches | Leveled library | And so much more


Former Projects: Mural

In 2018-2019, the NPE PTO worked with Mr. Heinle to fill an empty spot in the entryway with a mural that reflected NPE’s community spirit. Artists Jonathan Schoff and Carrie Cook, NPE and SHMS parents and local artists, led students in kindergarten through fifth grade on this creative journey, collaborating with art teacher Ms. Hendershott.

Carrie explained the process: "First, we talked about the history of the mural and then had groups work together on collaborative paper pieces. We discussed the mural theme, which was Pennsylvania native plants and animals. The students learned about some native plants and we had them draw plants, birds, and bugs. The mural is painted on nine 3 x 3 foot wood panels making the total size about 9 x 9 feet. We had them paint the large shapes in first and then work up to the detailed floral patterns in the "frame" of the piece. The trees in the mural represent the kids growing up - they form an archway into a magical landscape with limitless possibilities."

We’d love to hear your ideas of what we can accomplish together!